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Next Months Millennial Mum Melt Done includes….  
The single most controversial word of the United Kingdom, well second to Brexit; the nation seem to treat it like marmite. From the adventurous stimulation of sex toys and the world of ‘BDSM’ to the gentle embrace of a partner’s touch. 
Is it love or is it hate?
Why is it that compared to our liberal European cousins who embrace and explore their sexuality, we become such blushing prudes at even the mention of physical stimulation or sexuality? With the likes of the ‘Fifty Shades’ franchise setting a spike in the UK’s economy in 2015 through retail sales, we know that sex sells and the UK wants more! A concept we are familiar with and utilise in our marketing and music industries.
This, however, causes confusion amongst Generation Z. Sex is forever glamorised to them yet their voices are continuously swept under the rug when openly discussing experiences and the like.
Statistics show that attendance at sexual health clinics have been increasing in recent years, indicating a rise in the nation’s sexual appetite and activity. 
Why don’t we cater to our hunger instead of starving it of the knowledge and attention it needs? We need to seek advice and know about the resources available to us so that we can both educate and explore sex safely and adventurously. 
The debate is on - why are we such prudes? Is it down to our culture or is it drawn out by a form of protection, keeping ourselves modest and innocent from the darker side of life, shutting ourselves away from predators and abusive characters?
But the question still stands of ‘is it still necessary to shame and hide the topic of sex in today's society?’
We want your opinion!
Get in touch -  dm us, tag us, email us, send us a pigeon carrier we don’t care. 
Whatever your sexy problems are, our millennial mums are here to help.

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